Longest win streaks

Rank Streak Clan Start Date End Date Days Killer
10191 17 STAR - Shock Troop Assault Regiment 2000-08-17 2002-10-14 788 GoW - Gods of War
10192 5 MoC - Murderball Owning Crew 2006-06-22 2007-09-10 445 ae - Absolute Eminence
10193 7 Nx^ - The Next Level 2006-08-17 2007-09-10 389 N/A 
10194 15 ae - Absolute Eminence 2006-09-28 2007-07-23 298 TDA - Tap Dat Ass
10195 5 |2 - |2enegades of Funk 2002-05-14 2003-02-20 282 |RES| - Resurrection
10196 15 LEET - Leet Power 2001-11-08 2002-08-15 280 TTK - Trained To Kill
10197 5 CS - Corpse Squadron 2001-01-13 2001-09-27 257 2sM - Southern Style Mafia
10198 7 sXe - Straight Edge 2001-03-29 2001-11-26 242 $s - Money Shot
10199 7 CB - Crimson Blade 2001-06-26 2002-01-31 219 eD - Eternal Domination
101910 7 CwO - ClockWork Orange 2000-03-05 2000-10-08 217 CSI - Crowbar Swinging Idiots
101911 15 ae - Absolute Eminence 2006-03-06 2006-09-14 192 TDA - Tap Dat Ass
101912 34 CE - Clan Erinyes 1999-04-17 1999-10-10 176 KiN - Kindred
101913 37 TDA - Tap Dat Ass 2005-02-21 2005-08-08 168 MoC - Murderball Owning Crew
101914 8 NeX - NeX|Clan 2003-01-16 2003-06-19 154 MoB - The Ministry of Booze
101915 6 HOA - Harbinger of Anguish 1999-09-28 2000-02-24 149 |{ - The Kollektiv
101916 12 DAr - Dragon Army 2001-10-21 2002-03-06 136 s8 - Section-8
101917 15 RiCE - RiCE 2000-07-12 2000-11-21 132 4H - 4Horsemen
101918 6 HoS - Harvesters of Sorrow 2000-02-09 2000-06-20 132 TNP - Take No Prisoners
101919 24 tF - The Fallen 2001-03-08 2001-07-17 131 U-235 - Uranium 235
101920 5 TFF - Team Fortress Faction 2000-08-16 2000-12-09 115 aD - absolute Devastation
101921 9 SoN - Shadows of the Night 2001-11-09 2002-02-24 107 SIN - Strages in Nomine
101922 11 RoN - Rulers of the Night 2001-02-04 2001-05-20 105 ELB - Elite Loser Boys
101923 23 TDA - Tap Dat Ass 2007-02-01 2007-05-14 102 |RES| - Resurrection
101924 6 URF - United Resistance Front 2000-11-12 2001-02-16 96 SR - Silent Rage
101925 9 |EZ - lez 2001-05-12 2001-08-12 92 GoW - Gods of War
101926 32 KiN - Kindred 2000-01-24 2000-04-24 91 SD - San Dawgs
101927 20 SOL - Scream Out Loud 2000-11-27 2001-02-26 91 Zt. - Zero Tolerance
101928 21 RA - Relentless Assault 2002-03-18 2002-06-17 91 404 - Clan 404
101929 23 Zt. - Zero Tolerance 2001-06-25 2001-09-23 90 FL - Forsaken Legion
101930 5 T - Torque 2000-04-19 2000-07-17 89 [RoC] - Realm Of Chaos
101931 7 CoS - Corruption of Society 2000-07-17 2000-10-13 88 CNBL - Clan Cannibal
101932 15 EcD - East Coast Devastation 2002-10-28 2003-01-23 87 |RES| - Resurrection
101933 8 MGM - MainGate Militia 2001-04-27 2001-07-22 86 |EZ - lez
101934 9 HOP - House of Pain 2000-08-15 2000-11-09 86 STAR - Shock Troop Assault Regiment
101935 7 TCK - The Cereal Killers 2001-03-03 2001-05-27 85 ES - Exemplar Sect
101936 5 GTA - GTA 2000-01-16 2000-04-10 85 N/A 
101937 8 SIN - Strages in Nomine 1999-11-10 2000-02-03 85 bM - Bad Muthas
101938 12 HCA - Hard Core Alliance 2001-07-16 2001-10-09 85 KoR - KnighTs oF RaGe
101939 9 iR - initial Revision 2001-10-15 2002-01-07 84 O - Obliterate
101940 7 NoXC - New Order of Extreme Chaos 2000-11-06 2001-01-29 84 KAR - Klan Karnij
101941 14 FV - Final Vision 2001-10-20 2002-01-10 82 NGW - NeoGenesis Warfare
101942 14 NGW - NeoGenesis Warfare 2001-03-17 2001-06-07 82 H2K - Hard To Kill
101943 10 PF - Pyroclastic Flow 2000-05-03 2000-07-23 81 ][ - ][nsurrection
101944 7 [M][M] - Mothers of Mayhem 2001-05-12 2001-07-30 79 R-Dk - Realm of the Dragon Knights
101945 21 SD - San Dawgs 2000-12-05 2001-02-22 79 404 - Clan 404
101946 6 4H - 4Horsemen 2000-04-28 2000-07-15 78 DB - Death Bringers
101947 6 TSA - Total Strategic Annihilation 2003-11-03 2004-01-19 77 |3eer - Clan |3eer
101948 13 bP - Black Plague 2001-08-20 2001-11-05 77 CSI - Crowbar Swinging Idiots
101949 9 Jell-() - The Jell-O Shooters 2001-05-21 2001-08-06 77 R - Respawn
101950 14 jD - Jaded Domination 2003-10-02 2003-12-18 77 RzP - Radioactive Zombie Posse

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* A streak of at least 5 wins or losses is required to appear on the list.

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