50 best average losing streaks

Rank Avg Streak Avg Days Total Streaks Matches Played Clan
1 1.00 1.31 13 119 KiN - Kindred
1 1.00 186.14 7 32 CB - Crimson Blade
3 1.11 53.32 19 120 ae - Absolute Eminence
4 1.12 2.40 25 185 Zt. - Zero Tolerance
5 1.15 5.62 26 158 V - Vindicate
6 1.20 5.70 10 38 HC - Household Cleaners
7 1.21 16.57 14 50 CF - Crimson Fist
8 1.22 5.44 9 42 US - U Suck!
9 1.25 12.42 12 39 AF - Allied Forces
9 1.25 36.50 12 59 FL - Forsaken Legion
11 1.27 8.55 11 38 |OC| - Organized Chaos
12 1.29 28.50 14 55 CAMF - Crazy Assed Mo Fo's
13 1.30 5.20 10 44 qp - Quixotic Paradigm
14 1.33 5.33 9 35 ce - Crayon Eaters
14 1.33 10.00 6 30 sXe - Straight Edge
14 1.33 7.13 15 52 SvN - The Sovereign
14 1.33 48.67 6 36 LEET - Leet Power
18 1.36 5.07 14 80 $s - Money Shot
18 1.36 8.57 14 45 . - Get To The Point
20 1.36 5.36 11 31 p$u - Pot Smoker's United
21 1.37 6.05 19 67 gt - gnostic?transcendence
22 1.38 7.75 8 34 Ni - Knights of Ni
22 1.38 12.44 16 61 A~ - Adrenaline
24 1.40 21.17 47 236 Nx^ - The Next Level
25 1.41 5.15 27 131 E - The Elite
26 1.42 6.75 12 38 mimic - Mimic
27 1.44 8.11 9 30 ^up - Unthinkable Punishment
27 1.44 15.78 9 30 BoA - Brotherhood of Assassins
29 1.45 6.55 11 59 Jell-() - The Jell-O Shooters
30 1.47 4.71 17 61 sw - Shockwave
31 1.50 5.78 18 61 THD - Total Harmonic Destruction
31 1.50 14.25 8 32 (_*_) - Brown Eye
31 1.50 8.43 14 43 XiL - exiles
31 1.50 5.73 22 107 c - Catalyst
31 1.50 12.11 18 77 eD - Eternal Domination
31 1.50 27.50 10 32 BA - Blood Angels
31 1.50 28.67 12 46 -U- - Ultimatum
38 1.52 5.16 25 76 FM - Fortitudo Macto
39 1.53 95.68 19 93 vQc - V?t?rans du Qu?bec
40 1.54 7.62 13 43 pX-SFD - pX-SFD
41 1.55 11.55 11 46 evo - evolution
42 1.55 27.52 31 154 RA - Relentless Assault
43 1.55 15.43 51 211 TCK - The Cereal Killers
44 1.55 10.32 40 163 2sM - Southern Style Mafia
45 1.56 8.29 127 643 TDA - Tap Dat Ass
46 1.56 9.00 16 48 C4 - Combo #4
47 1.57 32.00 7 38 MoA - Matter of Attitude
48 1.58 7.62 26 96 TeH - This Ends Here
49 1.59 6.60 90 434 404 - Clan 404
50 1.59 14.00 27 86 30+-2 - 30+ Team 2

* A minimum of 25 matches played is required to appear on the list.

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