DO - Dark Omen #darkomen

 Active Rank:   0 
 Overall Rank:   40 
 Ladder Rank:   225 
 Current value:   195.512 
 Highest value:   333.505 
 Highest value date:   2002-04-22 
 First Match:   2000-05-12 
 Last Match:   2004-01-22 
 Current Streak:   -4 
 Last 10 days change:    Inactive 
 Last 31 days change:  Inactive 
 Last 12 months change:   Inactive 
 Last 10 matches record:   3-7-0 
 Last 31 days record:    Inactive 
 Last 12 months record:  Inactive 
 All Games:   170-130-0 
 Winning %:   56.667% 

Match history

Date League Opponent Score +/- Value Type Comments
2004-01-22 TFL 1a CwO ClockWork Orange 304-429 -6.039  195.512  Regular7 Comment(s)
2004-01-19 STA Platinum 404 Clan 404 30-180 -6.194  201.551  RegularComment?
2004-01-12 STA Platinum TDA Tap Dat Ass 40-110 -6.352  207.745  Regular4 Comment(s)
2004-01-08 TFL 1a TCK The Cereal Killers 391-392 -12.321  214.097  RegularComment?
2004-01-05 STA Platinum mH Misdirected Hostility 60-20 5.648 226.418 Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-12-22 STA Platinum NIL8 Annihilate 19-186 -12.672  220.770  Regular7 Comment(s)
2003-12-18 TFL 2a tHoL The Harbingers of Light 318-299 10.737 233.442 Title2 Comment(s)
2003-12-15 STA Platinum PF Pyroclastic Flow 90-130 -6.736  222.705  Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-12-11 TFL 2a tmp /tmp/ 130-50 4.982 229.441 RegularComment?
2003-12-08 STA Platinum V Vindicate 10-100 -6.781  224.459  Regular5 Comment(s)
2003-12-01 STA Platinum TCK The Cereal Killers 80-70 12.586 231.240 Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-11-24 STA Platinum TAU Texas Area Untouchables 70-40 4.437 218.654 RegularComment?
2003-11-20 TFL 2a tmp /tmp/ 240-190 5.143 214.217 Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-11-17 STA Platinum bM Bad Muthas 90-60 19.007 209.074 Regular18 Comment(s)
2003-11-13 TFL 2a |{ The Kollektiv 380-380 11.363 190.067 Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-11-10 STA Platinum NIL8 Annihilate 254-305 -10.458  178.704  Regular38 Comment(s)
2003-11-06 TFL 2a tHoL The Harbingers of Light 60-20 5.279 189.162 Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-11-03 STA Platinum DIVISION TEAM DIVISION 197-82 4.867 183.883 Regular3 Comment(s)
2003-10-27 STA Platinum -NULL- NULL 370-40 3.970 179.016 RegularComment?
2003-10-23 TFL 2a tmp /tmp/ 0-40 -10.266  175.046  RegularComment?
2003-10-20 STA Platinum sw Shockwave 130-160 -5.777  185.312  Regular14 Comment(s)
2003-10-16 TFL 2a Sv Savage 30-60 -11.110  191.089  Regular6 Comment(s)
2003-10-09 TFL 2a |{ The Kollektiv 40-10 12.610 202.199 RegularComment?
2003-10-06 STA Platinum s2 Silent Stalkers 15-270 -5.887  189.589  Regular5 Comment(s)
2003-10-02 TFL 2a njk Never Jaded Killers 30-30 4.197 195.476 RegularComment?
2003-09-29 STA Platinum AGT The Agency 40-0 4.261 191.279 RegularComment?
2003-09-25 TFL 2a ep. Extirpate 500-220 3.990 187.018 Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-09-22 STA Platinum co CoveN 9-7 4.318 183.028 Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-09-18 TFL 2a CwO ClockWork Orange 110-180 -5.608  178.710  Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-09-11 TFL 2a vQc V?t?rans du Qu?bec 130-100 12.200 184.318 Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-09-08 STA Platinum ][ ][nsurrection 88-211 -5.439  172.118  RegularComment?
2003-08-25 STA Platinum DIVISION TEAM DIVISION 328-313 9.912 177.557 Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-08-18 STA Platinum LfA Lust for Armageddon 50-0 3.808 167.645 RegularComment?
2003-08-14 TFL 2a L2D Live To Dominate 130-30 4.359 163.837 Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-08-11 STA Platinum ELB Elite Loser Boys 80-90 -5.115  159.478  Regular3 Comment(s)
2003-08-07 TFL 2a ][ ][nsurrection 77-140 -9.715  164.593  RegularComment?
2003-07-21 STA Platinum sw Shockwave 100-120 -10.227  174.308  Regular11 Comment(s)
2003-07-17 TFL 2a tmp /tmp/ 80-60 10.685 184.535 Regular5 Comment(s)
2003-07-10 TFL 2a afk afk 80-60 3.667 173.850 Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-06-26 TFL 1a PF Pyroclastic Flow 0-140 -5.389  170.182  RegularComment?
2003-06-24 STA Platinum AGT The Agency 10-20 -10.293  175.571  Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-06-19 TFL 1a LEET Leet Power 80-90 -5.791  185.864  Regular5 Comment(s)
2003-06-16 STA Platinum DoH Decoys of Hostility 240-40 4.406 191.655 RegularComment?
2003-06-12 TFL 1a |{ The Kollektiv 140-120 16.175 187.249 Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-06-09 STA Platinum iam its a massacre 100-150 -10.057  171.074  Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-06-02 STA Platinum (X) e(X)pand 115-50 5.090 181.131 Regular3 Comment(s)
2003-05-29 TFL 1a CwO ClockWork Orange 2-15 -5.540  176.041  Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-05-22 TFL 1a ! Omnipotence 0-80 -5.682  181.581  Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-05-19 STA Platinum co CoveN 80-85 -10.909  187.263  Regular6 Comment(s)
2003-05-15 TFL 1a (X) e(X)pand 130-100 10.460 198.172 Regular6 Comment(s)
2003-05-12 STA Platinum DIVISION TEAM DIVISION 170-300 -10.932  187.712  Regular3 Comment(s)
2003-05-08 TFL 1a mH Misdirected Hostility 206-331 -6.119  198.644  Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-05-05 STA Platinum AGT The Agency 260-300 -11.830  204.763  RegularComment?
2003-05-01 TFL 1a LfA Lust for Armageddon 300-228 4.213 216.593 Regular10 Comment(s)
2003-04-28 STA Platinum s0 Social OutKasT 10-220 -12.230  212.380  Title11 Comment(s)
2003-04-17 TFL 1a bM Bad Muthas 30-70 -6.785  224.610  Title39 Comment(s)
2003-04-14 STA Platinum DIVISION TEAM DIVISION 80-20 4.970 231.395 Regular8 Comment(s)
2003-04-10 TFL 1a ST Spartas Truculence 180-150 5.517 226.425 Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-04-07 STA Platinum ST Spartas Truculence 140-30 5.659 220.908 Regular1 Comment(s)
2003-04-03 TFL 1a KAR Klan Karnij 421-331 12.168 215.249 Regular14 Comment(s)
2003-03-31 STA Platinum KAR Klan Karnij 60-50 12.809 203.081 Regular27 Comment(s)
2003-03-27 TFL 1a EcD East Coast Devastation 135-125 14.983 190.272 Regular12 Comment(s)
2003-03-24 STA Platinum DoH Decoys of Hostility 633-168 4.344 175.289 Regular4 Comment(s)
2003-03-20 TFL 1a CoS Corruption of Society 95-15 9.633 170.945 RegularComment?
2003-03-17 STA Platinum ST Spartas Truculence 218-352 -9.543  161.312  Regular8 Comment(s)
2003-03-13 TFL 1a ST Spartas Truculence 90-20 4.931 170.855 RegularComment?
2003-03-10 STA Platinum xSm excessum 120-190 -9.785  165.924  Regular3 Comment(s)
2003-03-06 TFL 1a |{ The Kollektiv 180-350 -5.531  175.709  RegularComment?
2003-03-03 STA Platinum +[/ Battery /]- Battery 190-240 -10.592  181.240  Regular9 Comment(s)
2003-02-27 TFL 1a CwO ClockWork Orange 123-60 5.518 191.832 Regular5 Comment(s)
2003-02-24 STA Platinum LfA Lust for Armageddon 240-10 4.243 186.314 Regular2 Comment(s)
2003-02-20 TFL 1a KAR Klan Karnij 88-42 12.803 182.071 Regular12 Comment(s)
2003-02-17 STA Platinum ST Spartas Truculence 130-60 5.067 169.268 RegularComment?
2003-02-13 TFL 1a GoW Gods of War 330-240 4.824 164.201 RegularComment?
2003-02-10 STA Platinum DIVISION TEAM DIVISION 32-34 -5.112  159.377  Regular14 Comment(s)
2003-02-06 TFL 1a DoH Decoys of Hostility 300-270 4.648 164.489 RegularComment?
2003-02-03 STA Platinum NIL8 Annihilate 16-32 -5.124  159.841  RegularComment?
2003-01-30 TFL 1a NIL8 Annihilate 20-170 -5.256  164.965  RegularComment?
2003-01-27 STA Platinum M Malevolence 290-110 3.080 170.221 RegularComment?
2003-01-23 TFL 1a ELB Elite Loser Boys 50-130 -5.311  167.141  Regular9 Comment(s)
2003-01-20 STA Platinum CwO ClockWork Orange 290-310 -10.129  172.452  Regular11 Comment(s)
2003-01-16 TFL 1a w Win At All Costs 120-20 4.279 182.581 Regular10 Comment(s)
2003-01-13 STA Platinum NiX Phoenix Projekt 280-60 3.673 178.302 RegularComment?
2003-01-06 STA Titanium TDA Tap Dat Ass 40-90 -5.503  174.629  Regular2 Comment(s)
2002-12-16 STA Titanium 2sM Southern Style Mafia 20-100 -5.644  180.132  Regular4 Comment(s)
2002-12-12 TFL 1a MiN Ministry 120-0 3.327 185.776 RegularComment?
2002-12-09 STA Titanium V Vindicate 25-145 -5.704  182.449  Regular4 Comment(s)
2002-12-05 TFL 1a NiX Phoenix Projekt 10-40 -10.955  188.153  RegularComment?
2002-12-02 STA Titanium NiX Phoenix Projekt 85-30 3.795 199.108 RegularComment?
2002-11-21 TFL 1a |{ The Kollektiv 30-210 -6.034  195.313  RegularComment?
2002-11-07 TFL 1a RA Relentless Assault 80-380 -6.188  201.347  Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-11-04 STA Titanium RA Relentless Assault 23-127 -6.347  207.535  RegularComment?
2002-10-31 TFL 1a ! Omnipotence 20-60 -6.510  213.882  RegularComment?
2002-10-28 STA Titanium CoS Corruption of Society 140-150 -12.652  220.392  RegularComment?
2002-10-24 TFL 1a NiX Phoenix Projekt 50-0 4.292 233.044 Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-10-21 STA Titanium FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 60-30 4.637 228.752 Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-10-17 TFL 1a ELB Elite Loser Boys 40-30 5.304 224.115 Regular2 Comment(s)
2002-10-14 STA Titanium ! Omnipotence 0-10 -12.569  218.811  Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-10-07 STA Titanium ELB Elite Loser Boys 40-50 -13.230  231.380  RegularComment?
2002-10-03 TFL 1a H2K Hard To Kill 60-80 -7.298  244.611  Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-09-26 TFL 1a TDA Tap Dat Ass 100-40 18.035 251.909 RegularComment?
2002-09-19 TFL 1a HOP House of Pain 20-0 5.015 233.874 RegularComment?
2002-09-12 TFL 1a Nx^ The Next Level 0-50 -6.894  228.859  RegularComment?
2002-09-09 PFL Div B ! Omnipotence 50-40 8.145 235.753 TitleComment?
2002-09-05 TFL 1a FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 185-5 5.520 227.608 RegularComment?
2002-08-29 TFL 1a HOP House of Pain 150-15 5.159 222.088 RegularComment?
2002-08-26 PFL Div B CwO ClockWork Orange 70-40 4.390 216.929 RegularComment?
2002-08-19 PFL Div B PFM Psycho Fraggin Maniacs 470-18 3.247 212.539 RegularComment?
2002-08-15 TFL 1a HOP House of Pain 6-14 -12.068  209.292  RegularComment?
2002-08-12 PFL Div B RE Rogue Element 150-10 3.988 221.360 RegularComment?
2002-08-08 TFL 1a RA Relentless Assault 24-50 -6.599  217.372  TitleComment?
2002-08-05 PFL Div B CwO ClockWork Orange 60-50 3.981 223.971 RegularComment?
2002-08-01 TFL 1a cO complexity 617-249 4.908 219.990 RegularComment?
2002-07-25 TFL 1a PF Pyroclastic Flow 110-20 19.553 215.082 Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-07-18 TFL 1a CO Counter Operatives 260-210 4.345 195.529 Regular2 Comment(s)
2002-07-15 PFL Div A Zt. Zero Tolerance 113-379 -5.928  191.184  RegularComment?
2002-07-11 TFL 1a TDA Tap Dat Ass 100-230 -6.080  197.112  RegularComment?
2002-07-08 PFL Div A FM Fortitudo Macto 10-90 -6.236  203.192  RegularComment?
2002-07-01 PFL Div A 404 Clan 404 80-150 -6.396  209.428  RegularComment?
2002-06-27 TFL 1a cO complexity 160-250 -12.412  215.824  RegularComment?
2002-06-24 PFL Div A TDA Tap Dat Ass 30-230 -6.878  228.236  RegularComment?
2002-06-20 TFL 1a HOP House of Pain 140-130 4.552 235.114 RegularComment?
2002-06-17 PFL Div A bM Bad Muthas 100-130 -13.188  230.562  RegularComment?
2002-06-13 TFL 1a FV Final Vision 55-92 -7.276  243.749  RegularComment?
2002-06-06 TFL 1a 3w 3w 40-60 -14.264  251.025  RegularComment?
2002-06-03 PFL Div A FV Final Vision 5-12 -15.015  265.289  RegularComment?
2002-05-30 TFL 1a CoS Corruption of Society 160-60 5.948 280.304 RegularComment?
2002-05-23 TFL 1a Fx Fx 200-0 3.163 274.356 RegularComment?
2002-05-20 PFL Div A mH Misdirected Hostility 6-19 -15.326  271.193  RegularComment?
2002-05-16 TFL 1a 404 Clan 404 40-50 -8.372  286.519  RegularComment?
2002-05-13 PFL Div A |{ The Kollektiv 30-120 -16.573  294.891  RegularComment?
2002-05-08 CAL Gamma s8 Section-8 54-14 4.505 311.464 RegularComment?
2002-05-06 PFL Div A mH Misdirected Hostility 107-348 -17.208  306.959  RegularComment?
2002-05-01 CAL Gamma bP Black Plague 8-36 -9.338  324.167  RegularComment?
2002-04-22 PFL Div A FM Fortitudo Macto 20-20 5.795 333.505 RegularComment?
2002-04-15 PFL Div A CSI Crowbar Swinging Idiots 30-0 7.498 327.710 RegularComment?
2002-04-08 PFL Div A FV Final Vision 100-70 8.521 320.212 RegularComment?
2002-04-01 PFL Div A 404 Clan 404 310-60 17.019 311.691 RegularComment?
2002-03-27 CAL Gamma Zt. Zero Tolerance 100-210 -8.581  294.672  Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-03-25 PFL Div A bM Bad Muthas 130-110 6.735 303.253 RegularComment?
2002-03-20 CAL Gamma $s Money Shot 40-30 26.956 296.518 RegularComment?
2002-03-18 PFL Div A Zt. Zero Tolerance 20-80 -7.937  269.562  Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-03-13 CAL Gamma bP Black Plague 120-130 -8.141  277.499  RegularComment?
2002-03-11 PFL Div A bP Black Plague 38-170 -8.350  285.640  RegularComment?
2002-03-06 CAL Gamma $s Money Shot 40-70 -8.564  293.990  RegularComment?
2002-03-04 PFL Div A TDA Tap Dat Ass 94-83 27.505 302.554 RegularComment?
2002-02-27 CAL Gamma NGW NeoGenesis Warfare 90-80 17.547 275.049 RegularComment?
2002-02-20 CAL Gamma cDD clan Demo Devil 100-60 6.043 257.502 RegularComment?
2002-02-18 PFL Div A |{ The Kollektiv 50-30 14.025 251.459 RegularComment?
2002-02-13 CAL Gamma ! Omnipotence 150-80 4.522 237.434 RegularComment?
2002-02-11 PFL Div A mH Misdirected Hostility 120-40 13.666 232.912 RegularComment?
2002-02-06 CAL Gamma Zt. Zero Tolerance 60-130 -6.647  219.246  Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-02-04 PFL Div A |{ The Kollektiv 70-30 15.082 225.893 RegularComment?
2002-01-30 CAL Gamma NoXC New Order of Extreme Chaos 190-10 4.167 210.811 RegularComment?
2002-01-28 PFL Div A FM Fortitudo Macto 159-420 -11.929  206.644  RegularComment?
2002-01-23 CAL Gamma WOLF WOLF 308-233 4.808 218.573 Regular1 Comment(s)
2002-01-21 PFL Div A |{ The Kollektiv 65-15 17.256 213.765 RegularComment?
2002-01-17 TFL 1a ! Omnipotence 20-10 4.971 196.509 RegularComment?
2002-01-16 CAL Gamma DN Deez Nuttz 346-175 3.786 191.538 RegularComment?
2002-01-14 PFL Div A Jell-() The Jell-O Shooters 80-100 -5.840  187.752  RegularComment?
2002-01-10 TFL 1a Jell-() The Jell-O Shooters 10-0 15.095 193.592 RegularComment?
2001-12-21 TFL 1a e Endgame 474-453 3.679 178.497 RegularComment?
2001-12-17 PFL Div A Zt. Zero Tolerance 100-220 -5.508  174.818  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-12-13 TFL 1a CNBL Clan Cannibal 460-140 12.086 180.326 RegularComment?
2001-12-10 PFL Div A bP Black Plague 160-240 -5.339  168.240  RegularComment?
2001-12-06 TFL 1a aO apocalyptic Order 10-20 -5.476  173.579  RegularComment?
2001-12-03 PFL Div A bM Bad Muthas 50-60 -10.477  179.055  RegularComment?
2001-11-29 TFL 1a mH Misdirected Hostility 10-20 -11.028  189.532  RegularComment?
2001-11-26 PFL Div A PF Pyroclastic Flow 50-70 -6.168  200.560  RegularComment?
2001-11-19 PFL Div A mH Misdirected Hostility 100-90 5.570 206.728 RegularComment?
2001-11-15 TFL 1a SvN The Sovereign 40-20 4.569 201.158 RegularComment?
2001-11-12 PFL Div A SD San Dawgs 60-50 15.078 196.589 RegularComment?
2001-11-08 TFL 1a SD San Dawgs 20-30 -5.680  181.511  RegularComment?
2001-11-05 PFL Div A 404 Clan 404 60-110 -5.825  187.191  RegularComment?
2001-11-01 TFL 1a Jell-() The Jell-O Shooters 50-30 11.119 193.016 RegularComment?
2001-10-29 PFL FM Fortitudo Macto 120-110 3.327 181.897 RegularComment?
2001-10-25 TFL 1a SvN The Sovereign 0-80 -10.451  178.570  RegularComment?
2001-10-22 PFL Div A TDA Tap Dat Ass 120-240 -5.872  189.021  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-10-11 TFL 1a EA Eternal Animosity 104-230 -6.023  194.893  RegularComment?
2001-10-08 PFL Zt. Zero Tolerance 10-150 -6.177  200.916  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-10-04 TFL 1a vQc V?t?rans du Qu?bec 12-118 -11.952  207.093  RegularComment?
2001-10-01 PFL KoB Krazy old Bastards 305-317 -12.581  219.045  RegularComment?
2001-09-27 TFL 1a mH Misdirected Hostility 140-170 -13.243  231.626  RegularComment?
2001-09-10 PFL SD San Dawgs 347-373 -7.304  244.869  RegularComment?
2001-09-06 TFL 1a $s Money Shot 240-225 4.497 252.173 RegularComment?
2001-08-30 TFL 1a 404 Clan 404 130-120 22.516 247.676 RegularComment?
2001-08-27 PFL E The Elite 335-429 -6.799  225.160  RegularComment?
2001-08-23 TFL 1a SD San Dawgs 80-40 21.087 231.959 RegularComment?
2001-08-20 PFL HoS Harvesters of Sorrow 60-30 19.170 210.872 RegularComment?
2001-08-13 PFL cDD clan Demo Devil 50-10 5.649 191.702 RegularComment?
2001-08-08 OGL Expert Zt. Zero Tolerance 110-180 -5.796  186.053  Title1 Comment(s)
2001-08-06 PFL eXeL Excelsior 111-51 3.416 191.849 RegularComment?
2001-08-02 TFL 1a RaT Revolt Attack Team 290-0 3.500 188.433 RegularComment?
2001-07-30 PFL U-235 Uranium 235 87-111 -10.786  184.933  RegularComment?
2001-07-26 TFL 1a TDA Tap Dat Ass 61-375 -11.354  195.719  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-07-25 OGL Expert vQc V?t?rans du Qu?bec 60-110 -11.951  207.073  RegularComment?
2001-07-23 PFL KoB Krazy old Bastards 90-70 3.875 219.024 RegularComment?
2001-07-19 TFL 1a TDA Tap Dat Ass 40-50 -12.376  215.149  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-07-18 OGL Expert CSI Crowbar Swinging Idiots 308-248 6.402 227.525 RegularComment?
2001-07-16 PFL dB4d Death Before Dishonor 10-0 3.950 221.123 RegularComment?
2001-07-12 TFL 1a EA Eternal Animosity 60-110 -12.483  217.173  RegularComment?
2001-07-10 OGL Expert vQc V?t?rans du Qu?bec 107-119 6.445 229.656 RegularComment?
2001-07-10 PFL bP Black Plague 3-19 -12.801  223.211  RegularComment?
2001-07-02 STA Platinum CNBL Clan Cannibal 0-30 -7.077  236.012  RegularComment?
2001-06-25 STA Platinum R Respawn 270-120 3.843 243.089 RegularComment?
2001-06-21 OGL Expert Zt. Zero Tolerance 120-170 -7.160  239.246  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-06-21 TFL 1a 404 Clan 404 22-29 -7.344  246.406  RegularComment?
2001-06-18 STA Platinum cTz Cutthroatz 250-50 4.259 253.750 RegularComment?
2001-06-11 STA Platinum AGT The Agency 70-60 5.208 249.491 RegularComment?
2001-06-07 TFL 1a SD San Dawgs 110-130 -7.289  244.283  RegularComment?
2001-06-04 STA Platinum FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 60-90 -14.293  251.572  RegularComment?
2001-05-31 TFL 1a CSI Crowbar Swinging Idiots 520-20 6.891 265.865 RegularComment?
2001-05-30 OGL Expert CSI Crowbar Swinging Idiots 154-117 7.067 258.974 RegularComment?
2001-05-24 TFL 1a EA Eternal Animosity 240-140 5.141 251.907 RegularComment?
2001-05-21 STA Platinum NCA Netlords Coalition of Arms 90-91 -14.040  246.766  RegularComment?
2001-05-20 OGL Expert aD absolute Devastation 70-60 4.417 260.806 RegularComment?
2001-05-17 TFL 2a |RES| Resurrection 423-348 5.456 256.389 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-05-14 STA Platinum DW Digital Warfare 108-57 4.715 250.933 RegularComment?
2001-05-10 OGL Expert NCA Netlords Coalition of Arms 90-410 -13.777  241.761  RegularComment?
2001-05-10 TFL 2a KAR Klan Karnij 477-322 4.457 246.218 RegularComment?
2001-05-07 STA Platinum KoD Knights Of Death 30-150 -7.578  255.538  TitleComment?
2001-05-03 TFL 2a LfA Lust for Armageddon 50-0 4.793 263.116 RegularComment?
2001-04-30 STA Platinum SOL Scream Out Loud 60-30 18.474 258.323 RegularComment?
2001-04-26 TFL 2a BD The Brothers Disgruntled 130-10 4.170 239.849 RegularComment?
2001-04-23 STA Platinum HoS Harvesters of Sorrow 512-279 15.289 235.679 RegularComment?
2001-04-18 OGL Expert TFF Team Fortress Faction 170-60 4.784 220.390 RegularComment?
2001-04-16 STA Platinum RE Rogue Element 495-307 4.984 215.606 RegularComment?
2001-04-12 TFL 2a CO Counter Operatives 20-10 4.840 210.622 RegularComment?
2001-04-09 STA Platinum KoD Knights Of Death 50-60 -6.302  205.782  TitleComment?
2001-04-07 OGL Expert E The Elite 130-270 -6.464  212.084  RegularComment?
2001-04-05 TFL 2a |RES| Resurrection 110-50 14.675 218.548 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-04-02 STA Platinum SD San Dawgs 100-70 18.534 203.872 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-03-29 TFL 2a NN No Name Clan 530-60 3.554 185.338 RegularComment?
2001-03-26 STA Platinum IKK Ice Kold Killaz 180-0 3.786 181.784 RegularComment?
2001-03-25 OGL dB4d Death Before Dishonor 180-250 4.638 177.998 RegularComment?
2001-03-25 OGL BT Brotherhood of Thieves 250-90 3.390 173.360 RegularComment?
2001-03-22 TFL 2a KoD Knights Of Death 84-31 15.452 169.970 RegularComment?
2001-03-19 STA Platinum SOL Scream Out Loud 60-10 14.047 154.518 RegularComment?
2001-03-18 OGL aD absolute Devastation 170-140 3.929 140.471 RegularComment?
2001-03-12 STA Platinum U-235 Uranium 235 60-50 3.682 136.542 RegularComment?
2001-03-08 OGL Dim Dimensions Immortal Marines 260-20 3.549 132.860 RegularComment?
2001-03-05 STA Platinum cDD clan Demo Devil 50-70 -7.858  129.311  RegularComment?
2001-02-26 STA Gold JS Joe Satriani 120-130 -4.543  137.169  TitleComment?
2001-02-25 OGL AGT The Agency 148-42 8.291 141.712 RegularComment?
2001-02-19 STA Gold KoB Krazy old Bastards 160-10 3.620 133.421 RegularComment?
2001-02-18 OGL THRONE THRONE Alliance 252-58 3.885 129.801 RegularComment?
2001-02-12 STA Gold DW Digital Warfare 255-160 3.500 125.916 RegularComment?
2001-02-07 OGL WaV With a Vengeance 130-0 3.697 122.416 RegularComment?
2001-02-05 STA Platinum uE upper Echelon 120-305 -7.301  118.719  RegularComment?
2001-01-31 OGL MiD Mobile Infantry Division 328-249 3.261 126.020 RegularComment?
2001-01-24 OGL dong Death or No Glory 170-90 7.090 122.759 RegularComment?
2001-01-22 STA Platinum HoS Harvesters of Sorrow 32-66 -3.991  115.669  RegularComment?
2001-01-18 OGL T Torque 60-137 -7.351  119.660  RegularComment?
2001-01-15 STA Platinum ELB Elite Loser Boys 6-10 -4.282  127.010  RegularComment?
2001-01-08 STA Platinum WOLF WOLF 2-30 -7.963  131.292  Regular2 Comment(s)
2000-12-18 STA Gold DoA? Dead or Alive? 255-281 -4.596  139.255  RegularComment?
2000-12-14 OGL 404 Clan 404 20-80 -4.714  143.851  RegularComment?
2000-12-11 STA Gold U-235 Uranium 235 340-217 3.792 148.565 RegularComment?
2000-12-04 STA Gold T Torque 40-20 4.021 144.773 RegularComment?
2000-12-03 OGL bM Bad Muthas 139-210 -4.635  140.752  RegularComment?
2000-11-27 STA Gold DWD Dancing With Death 0-40 -4.754  145.387  TitleComment?
2000-11-20 STA Gold AGT The Agency 100-90 3.903 150.141 RegularComment?
2000-11-18 OGL TNT The Nameless Team 256-85 3.851 146.238 RegularComment?
2000-11-13 STA Gold ? Paradoxical Infinity 230-60 3.973 142.387 RegularComment?
2000-11-11 OGL JS Joe Satriani 290-170 3.988 138.414 RegularComment?
2000-10-30 STA Gold ELB Elite Loser Boys 5-48 -4.472  134.426  RegularComment?
2000-10-23 STA Gold cDD clan Demo Devil 170-120 3.975 138.898 RegularComment?
2000-10-21 OGL CoS Corruption of Society 160-60 4.109 134.923 RegularComment?
2000-10-16 STA Gold tmp /tmp/ 80-110 -7.938  130.814  RegularComment?
2000-10-14 OGL VIT VIT 180-90 3.966 138.752 RegularComment?
2000-10-02 STA Gold KoD Knights Of Death 10-110 -4.482  134.786  RegularComment?
2000-09-27 OGL HoS Harvesters of Sorrow 150-200 -8.383  139.268  RegularComment?
2000-09-25 STA Gold LfA Lust for Armageddon 10-90 -8.824  147.650  RegularComment?
2000-09-18 STA Gold tmp /tmp/ 150-100 3.949 156.474 RegularComment?
2000-09-14 OGL TNT The Nameless Team 351-203 3.718 152.525 RegularComment?
2000-09-11 STA Gold FT Fellowship of Teamplay 229-48 3.332 148.807 RegularComment?
2000-09-07 OGL H Hybrid 220-80 4.062 145.475 RegularComment?
2000-08-28 STA Gold LfA Lust for Armageddon 108-111 -8.495  141.413  RegularComment?
2000-08-23 OGL SoL Soldiers of Light 280-0 4.014 149.908 Regular1 Comment(s)
2000-08-21 STA Bronze 30+-1 30+ Team 1 320-20 3.328 145.894 RegularComment?
2000-08-14 STA Bronze IKK Ice Kold Killaz 190-130 2.970 142.566 RegularComment?
2000-08-13 OGL WoG War of Gods 320-50 3.500 139.596 RegularComment?
2000-08-07 STA Bronze KTRT Knights of The Round Table 400-10 3.276 136.096 RegularComment?
2000-07-31 STA Bronze GP Going Postal 290-10 3.225 132.820 RegularComment?
2000-07-30 OGL Kos House of Chaos 340-190 3.864 129.595 RegularComment?
2000-07-24 STA Bronze DoA? Dead or Alive? 368-379 -4.250  125.731  RegularComment?
2000-07-21 OGL Ellcrys Ellcry's Haven 45-0 3.500 129.981 RegularComment?
2000-07-17 STA Bronze AIM Armed and Insane Monkeys 556-177 3.397 126.481 RegularComment?
2000-07-14 OGL TM Trained Mercenaries 170-0 3.413 123.084 RegularComment?
2000-07-10 STA Bronze SS Silver Spray 22-8 3.484 119.671 RegularComment?
2000-06-29 OGL HoS Harvesters of Sorrow 80-100 -7.168  116.187  RegularComment?
2000-06-26 STA Bronze KoD Knights Of Death 10-36 -4.189  123.355  RegularComment?
2000-06-19 STA Bronze [=1=] Clan =1= 310-40 3.747 127.544 RegularComment?
2000-06-03 TGL ChBr Chaos Brigade 182-26 3.266 123.797 RegularComment?
2000-05-27 TGL RAW Rebels At War 260-50 3.244 120.531 RegularComment?
2000-05-25 OGL ErMi Errant Minion 80-0 3.208 117.287 RegularComment?
2000-05-23 OGL [=1=] Clan =1= 200-160 3.668 114.080 RegularComment?
2000-05-22 STA Bronze DT Digital Terror 280-80 3.500 110.412 RegularComment?
2000-05-17 OGL M.C. Mentally Challenged 300-0 3.413 106.912 RegularComment?
2000-05-12 OGL KoC Kings of Carnage 520-10 3.500 103.500 RegularComment?

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