HoS - Harvesters of Sorrow


 Active Rank:   0 
 Overall Rank:   28 
 Ladder Rank:   526 
 Current value:   327.150 
 Highest value:   393.581 
 Highest value date:   2001-08-13 
 First Match:   2000-02-09 
 Last Match:   2001-09-10 
 Current Streak:   -2 
 Last 10 days change:    Inactive 
 Last 31 days change:  Inactive 
 Last 12 months change:   Inactive 
 Last 10 matches record:   5-5-0 
 Last 31 days record:    Inactive 
 Last 12 months record:  Inactive 
 All Games:   76-32-0 
 Winning %:   70.370% 

Match history

Date League Opponent Score +/- Value Type Comments
2001-09-10 PFL PF Pyroclastic Flow 322-531 -9.414  327.150  RegularComment?
2001-09-09 IGL Premier KAR Klan Karnij 10-20 -18.767  336.564  RegularComment?
2001-08-31 OGL Expert vQc V?t?rans du Qu?bec 270-170 6.803 355.330 RegularComment?
2001-08-26 IGL Premier Zt. Zero Tolerance 70-80 -9.962  348.527  Title3 Comment(s)
2001-08-20 PFL DO Dark Omen 30-60 -19.921  358.489  RegularComment?
2001-08-19 IGL Premier cDD clan Demo Devil 212-34 5.507 378.409 RegularComment?
2001-08-16 OGL Expert |{ The Kollektiv 150-178 -20.679  372.902  RegularComment?
2001-08-13 PFL E The Elite 10-10 22.205 393.581 RegularComment?
2001-08-12 IGL Premier FL Forsaken Legion 148-33 5.131 371.376 RegularComment?
2001-08-06 PFL bP Black Plague 157-63 5.090 366.245 RegularComment?
2001-08-01 OGL Expert aD absolute Devastation 86-4 6.204 361.154 RegularComment?
2001-07-30 PFL KAR Klan Karnij 167-1 5.047 354.950 RegularComment?
2001-07-29 IGL Premier [=1=] Clan =1= 260-10 3.259 349.903 RegularComment?
2001-07-26 OGL Expert Zt. Zero Tolerance 60-140 -9.914  346.644  Title1 Comment(s)
2001-07-23 PFL Zt. Zero Tolerance 50-160 -10.168  356.558  Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-07-22 IGL Premier 404 Clan 404 100-180 -10.429  366.726  RegularComment?
2001-07-19 OGL Expert RiCE RiCE 64-8 6.183 377.155 RegularComment?
2001-07-16 PFL 404 Clan 404 120-50 27.125 370.972 RegularComment?
2001-07-15 IGL Premier |{ The Kollektiv 60-170 -9.842  343.847  RegularComment?
2001-07-10 PFL EA Eternal Animosity 4-4 5.634 353.689 RegularComment?
2001-07-02 PFL TDA Tap Dat Ass 18-9 5.149 348.055 RegularComment?
2001-07-01 IGL Premier PF Pyroclastic Flow 240-260 -9.818  342.906  TitleComment?
2001-06-25 PFL CwO ClockWork Orange 120-10 3.793 352.724 RegularComment?
2001-06-24 IGL Premier KoD Knights Of Death 498-380 23.476 348.931 RegularComment?
2001-06-18 PFL HCA Hard Core Alliance 170-0 3.071 325.455 RegularComment?
2001-06-14 OGL Expert NCA Netlords Coalition of Arms 283-100 5.858 322.384 RegularComment?
2001-06-11 PFL E The Elite 20-20 -17.712  316.526  RegularComment?
2001-06-10 IGL Premier Zt. Zero Tolerance 0-6 -9.596  334.238  Title1 Comment(s)
2001-06-04 PFL PF Pyroclastic Flow 282-283 -19.149  343.834  RegularComment?
2001-06-03 IGL Premier KoD Knights Of Death 12-2 23.616 362.983 RegularComment?
2001-06-01 OGL Expert E The Elite 251-281 19.263 339.367 RegularComment?
2001-05-21 PFL ST Spartas Truculence 380-0 3.683 320.104 RegularComment?
2001-05-20 IGL Premier CwO ClockWork Orange 360-40 3.592 316.421 RegularComment?
2001-05-14 PFL |{ The Kollektiv 260-170 7.948 312.829 RegularComment?
2001-05-13 IGL Premier NCA Netlords Coalition of Arms 260-250 6.705 304.881 RegularComment?
2001-05-11 OGL Expert Zt. Zero Tolerance 205-35 18.064 298.176 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-05-07 IGL Premier TDA Tap Dat Ass 180-110 5.123 280.112 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-05-07 STA Platinum TDA Tap Dat Ass 180-110 5.255 274.989 RegularComment?
2001-05-06 IGL Premier 404 Clan 404 361-510 -7.942  269.734  RegularComment?
2001-04-29 IGL Premier CSI Crowbar Swinging Idiots 60-50 7.189 277.676 RegularComment?
2001-04-23 STA Platinum DO Dark Omen 279-512 -15.289  270.487  RegularComment?
2001-04-22 IGL Premier CNBL Clan Cannibal 80-150 -8.353  285.776  TitleComment?
2001-04-19 OGL Expert dB4d Death Before Dishonor 170-140 5.129 294.129 RegularComment?
2001-04-16 STA Platinum KoD Knights Of Death 366-456 -8.436  289.000  TitleComment?
2001-04-09 STA Platinum SOL Scream Out Loud 60-10 19.232 297.436 RegularComment?
2001-04-08 IGL Premier 404 Clan 404 60-10 25.291 278.204 RegularComment?
2001-04-02 STA Platinum cDD clan Demo Devil 100-80 4.559 252.913 RegularComment?
2001-04-01 IGL Premier Zt. Zero Tolerance 210-190 15.790 248.354 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-03-26 STA Titanium bM Bad Muthas 40-20 5.862 232.564 RegularComment?
2001-03-25 IGL Premier SD San Dawgs 220-80 20.609 226.702 RegularComment?
2001-03-22 OGL vQc V?t?rans du Qu?bec 100-82 3.985 206.093 RegularComment?
2001-03-19 STA Titanium CO Counter Operatives 60-10 5.274 202.108 RegularComment?
2001-03-16 OGL CNBL Clan Cannibal 86-185 -6.073  196.834  RegularComment?
2001-03-12 STA Titanium KoD Knights Of Death 30-80 -6.228  202.907  TitleComment?
2001-03-08 OGL |{ The Kollektiv 90-370 -6.388  209.135  RegularComment?
2001-03-05 STA Titanium SC Shadow Company 120-50 13.227 215.523 RegularComment?
2001-02-28 OGL RE Rogue Element 160-81 10.838 202.296 RegularComment?
2001-02-26 STA Titanium FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 90-30 5.170 191.459 RegularComment?
2001-02-19 STA Platinum WOLF WOLF 120-10 4.368 186.289 Regular1 Comment(s)
2001-02-17 OGL aD absolute Devastation 150-0 3.844 181.921 RegularComment?
2001-02-12 STA Platinum U-235 Uranium 235 240-0 3.694 178.077 RegularComment?
2001-02-10 OGL ? Paradoxical Infinity 260-30 4.041 174.383 RegularComment?
2001-02-05 STA Platinum E The Elite 125-185 -5.393  170.342  TitleComment?
2001-01-29 STA Platinum ELB Elite Loser Boys 47-2 5.177 175.735 RegularComment?
2001-01-24 OGL DIVISION TEAM DIVISION 200-72 4.488 170.558 RegularComment?
2001-01-22 STA Platinum DO Dark Omen 66-32 3.991 166.070 RegularComment?
2001-01-15 STA Platinum U-235 Uranium 235 24-6 3.599 162.078 RegularComment?
2001-01-08 STA Platinum FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 24-30 -9.394  158.479  RegularComment?
2000-12-22 OGL ? Paradoxical Infinity 150-10 3.819 167.873 RegularComment?
2000-12-13 OGL ELB Elite Loser Boys 46-2 9.704 164.054 RegularComment?
2000-12-11 STA Gold BlkSun Black Sun 297-226 4.338 154.350 RegularComment?
2000-12-08 OGL CwO ClockWork Orange 200-30 3.825 150.012 RegularComment?
2000-12-04 STA Gold M Mafia 60-0 3.500 146.187 RegularComment?
2000-12-01 OGL Dim Dimensions Immortal Marines 80-0 3.801 142.687 RegularComment?
2000-11-27 STA Gold NCA Netlords Coalition of Arms 20-40 -8.362  138.886  RegularComment?
2000-11-25 OGL E The Elite 90-110 -4.801  147.248  RegularComment?
2000-11-20 STA Gold cDD clan Demo Devil 150-140 3.931 152.049 RegularComment?
2000-11-18 OGL CHAOS Clan of /CHAOS 90-10 2.946 148.118 RegularComment?
2000-11-13 STA Gold DWD Dancing With Death 100-110 -4.748  145.172  RegularComment?
2000-11-11 OGL AOD Army Of Darkness 170-10 3.563 149.920 RegularComment?
2000-11-07 OGL RiCE RiCE 0-70 -4.778  146.357  RegularComment?
2000-11-06 STA Gold ? Paradoxical Infinity 85-1 4.179 151.135 RegularComment?
2000-10-30 STA Gold XiL exiles 29-35 -8.787  146.956  RegularComment?
2000-10-23 OGL 4H 4Horsemen 103-81 3.820 155.743 RegularComment?
2000-10-23 STA Bronze T Torque 130-30 4.073 151.923 RegularComment?
2000-10-16 STA Bronze eXeL Excelsior 170-10 8.051 147.850 DefendComment?
2000-10-11 OGL BD The Brothers Disgruntled 290-180 3.546 139.799 RegularComment?
2000-10-09 STA Bronze KTRT Knights of The Round Table 190-0 3.192 136.253 RegularComment?
2000-10-04 OGL RE Rogue Element 30-360 -4.437  133.061  RegularComment?
2000-10-02 STA Bronze UAF Urban Assault Force 140-20 2.991 137.498 RegularComment?
2000-09-27 OGL DO Dark Omen 200-150 8.383 134.507 RegularComment?
2000-09-25 STA Bronze eXeL Excelsior 160-60 3.226 126.124 RegularComment?
2000-09-18 STA Bronze iXo iXoTa 190-40 3.490 122.898 RegularComment?
2000-09-16 OGL ZPG Zero Population Growth 172-58 2.955 119.408 RegularComment?
2000-09-08 OGL CRACK Clan Crack 130-30 3.500 116.453 RegularComment?
2000-09-02 OGL EN EN 170-20 3.709 112.953 RegularComment?
2000-08-18 OGL T Torque 70-270 -6.802  109.244  RegularComment?
2000-07-29 OGL ? Paradoxical Infinity 30-130 -4.001  116.046  RegularComment?
2000-07-19 OGL |{ The Kollektiv 80-260 -4.104  120.047  RegularComment?
2000-07-06 OGL SoG Saighdear o Gaidhealtachd 60-20 3.185 124.151 RegularComment?
2000-06-29 OGL DO Dark Omen 100-80 7.168 120.966 RegularComment?
2000-06-20 OGL TNP Take No Prisoners 70-176 -7.042  113.798  RegularComment?
2000-05-21 OGL SeX Soldiers Entering Xavier 680-0 3.500 120.840 RegularComment?
2000-05-12 OGL R6e Rainbow Six Elite 160-40 3.340 117.340 RegularComment?
2000-04-17 OGL SDHK Shadow Hawk 127-2 3.500 114.000 RegularComment?
2000-04-08 OGL MMF Mean Mofo's 240-40 3.500 110.500 RegularComment?
2000-03-25 OGL COBRA Clan COBRA 340-60 3.500 107.000 RegularComment?
2000-02-09 OGL EN EN 160-20 3.500 103.500 RegularComment?

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