KoD - Knights Of Death
http://www.brinkster.com/kotfc/Khome.html irc.gamesnet.net #guild-kod |
Last 15 matches:
Date | League | Opponent | Score | Value | Type | Comments | |
2001-08-06 | STA Platinum | CNBL | Clan Cannibal | 476.762 (10.540) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-05 | IGL Premier | PF | Pyroclastic Flow | 466.222 (-12.980) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-07-30 | STA Platinum | R | Respawn | 479.202 (4.374) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-07-29 | IGL Premier | PF | Pyroclastic Flow | 474.828 (28.154) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-07-28 | OGL Expert | URF | United Resistance Front | 446.674 (3.084) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-07-22 | IGL Premier | Zt. | Zero Tolerance | 443.590 (-24.399) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2001-07-17 | OGL Expert | XtN | Xtinction | 467.989 (-25.684) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2001-07-16 | STA Platinum | AGT | The Agency | 493.673 (-27.035) | Title | 1 Comment(s) | |
2001-07-15 | IGL Premier | DIVISION | TEAM DIVISION | 520.708 (4.172) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-07-09 | STA Platinum | CNBL | Clan Cannibal | 516.536 (42.888) | Title | Comment? | |
2001-07-02 | STA Platinum | aD | absolute Devastation | 473.648 (5.196) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-07-01 | IGL Premier | CNBL | Clan Cannibal | 468.452 (31.678) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-06-27 | OGL Expert | RoN | Rulers of the Night | 436.774 (4.666) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2001-06-25 | STA Platinum | ELB | Elite Loser Boys | 432.108 (6.068) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2001-06-24 | IGL Premier | HoS | Harvesters of Sorrow | 426.040 (-23.476) | Regular | Comment? |