E - The Elite
http://eliteclan.clanpages.com |
Last 15 matches:
Date | League | Opponent | Score | Value | Type | Comments | |
2001-10-01 | PFL | Jell-() | The Jell-O Shooters | 354.257 (-19.698) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-09-27 | TFL 1a | XtN | Xtinction | 373.955 (5.258) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-09-24 | PFL | PF | Pyroclastic Flow | 368.697 (-10.479) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-09-10 | PFL | EA | Eternal Animosity | 379.176 (-21.009) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-09-06 | TFL 1a | |RES| | Resurrection | 400.185 (4.411) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-09-05 | OGL Expert | |{ | The Kollektiv | 395.774 (-21.883) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-29 | OGL Expert | aD | absolute Devastation | 417.657 (5.419) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-27 | PFL | DO | Dark Omen | 412.238 (6.799) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-23 | TFL 1a | 404 | Clan 404 | 405.439 (-11.421) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-21 | OGL Expert | vQc | V?t?rans du Qu?bec | 416.861 (6.661) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-20 | PFL | TDA | Tap Dat Ass | 410.200 (8.298) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-13 | PFL | HoS | Harvesters of Sorrow | 401.902 (-22.205) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-08 | OGL Expert | aD | absolute Devastation | 424.107 (6.163) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-06 | PFL | KAR | Klan Karnij | 417.944 (5.152) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-08-02 | TFL 1a | TDA | Tap Dat Ass | 412.792 (-22.779) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) |