404 - Clan 404
http://www.clan404.com irc.gamesnet.net #404 |
Last 15 matches:
Date | League | Opponent | Score | Value | Type | Comments | |
2004-01-26 | STA Platinum | TTK | Trained To Kill | 273.315 (-15.438) | Regular | 4 Comment(s) | |
2004-01-25 | IGL Premier | TCK | The Cereal Killers | 288.753 (-16.250) | Regular | 5 Comment(s) | |
2004-01-19 | STA Platinum | DO | Dark Omen | 305.003 (6.194) | Regular | Comment? | |
2004-01-18 | IGL Premier | TDA | Tap Dat Ass | 298.809 (-8.687) | Regular | Comment? | |
2004-01-12 | STA Platinum | V | Vindicate | 307.496 (-8.910) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2004-01-11 | IGL Premier | c | Catalyst | 316.406 (-17.706) | Regular | 4 Comment(s) | |
2004-01-05 | STA Platinum | sw | Shockwave | 334.112 (-18.637) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2003-12-15 | STA Platinum | tmp | /tmp/ | 352.749 (4.736) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2003-12-01 | STA Platinum | TDA | Tap Dat Ass | 348.013 (-9.949) | Regular | 2 Comment(s) | |
2003-11-26 | OGL Open | =WaR= | Warriors And Renegades | 357.962 (8.304) | Defend | Comment? | |
2003-11-26 | OGL Open | =WaR= | Warriors And Renegades | 349.658 (8.568) | Defend | Comment? | |
2003-11-24 | STA Platinum | Nx^ | The Next Level | 341.090 (-9.772) | Title | 1 Comment(s) | |
2003-11-23 | IGL Premier | V | Vindicate | 350.862 (-10.022) | Regular | 3 Comment(s) | |
2003-11-17 | STA Platinum | NIL8 | Annihilate | 360.884 (5.029) | Regular | Comment? | |
2003-11-16 | IGL Premier | TCK | The Cereal Killers | 355.855 (-19.782) | Regular | Comment? |