AF - Allied Forces |
Last 15 matches:
Date | League | Opponent | Score | Value | Type | Comments | |
2000-10-23 | STA Gold | KoD | Knights Of Death | 137.925 (-4.562) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-10-16 | STA Gold | CO | Counter Operatives | 142.487 (-8.552) | Title | Comment? | |
2000-10-09 | STA Gold | XiL | exiles | 151.039 (4.126) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-10-02 | STA Gold | DoA? | Dead or Alive? | 146.913 (4.517) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-10-01 | IGL Premier | WOLF | WOLF | 142.396 (-4.677) | Regular | 2 Comment(s) | |
2000-09-25 | STA Gold | ? | Paradoxical Infinity | 147.073 (4.417) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-09-18 | STA Gold | cDD | clan Demo Devil | 142.656 (4.289) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-09-11 | STA Gold | SC | Shadow Company | 138.367 (-4.574) | Title | Comment? | |
2000-08-28 | STA Gold | KoD | Knights Of Death | 142.941 (12.995) | Title | Comment? | |
2000-08-21 | STA Gold | DWD | Dancing With Death | 129.946 (4.011) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-08-14 | STA Gold | LfA | Lust for Armageddon | 125.935 (7.663) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-07-31 | STA Gold | RTL | Ride The Lightning | 118.272 (3.063) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-07-17 | STA Gold | uE | upper Echelon | 115.209 (-7.116) | Title | Comment? | |
2000-07-10 | STA Gold | FT | Fellowship of Teamplay | 122.325 (3.575) | Regular | Comment? | |
2000-06-26 | STA Gold | CSI | Crowbar Swinging Idiots | 118.750 (-4.071) | Regular | Comment? |