tF - The Fallen |
Last 15 matches:
Date | League | Opponent | Score | Value | Type | Comments | |
2002-04-08 | PFL Div B | |2 | |2enegades of Funk | 184.313 (-10.753) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-04-01 | PFL Div B | GoW | Gods of War | 195.066 (3.729) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-27 | CAL Omega | WU | Wu Tang TFC | 191.337 (-11.123) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-25 | PFL Div B | 2sM | Southern Style Mafia | 202.460 (-11.708) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-20 | CAL Omega | DAr | Dragon Army | 214.168 (5.405) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-18 | PFL Div B | RE | Rogue Element | 208.763 (-12.040) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-13 | CAL Omega | cB | Children of the Bong | 220.803 (3.667) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-11 | PFL Div B | RE | Rogue Element | 217.136 (-12.481) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-03-06 | CAL Omega | oF | Ominous Fury | 229.617 (3.652) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-02-27 | CAL Omega | WU | Wu Tang TFC | 225.965 (-12.945) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-02-20 | CAL Omega | s8 | Section-8 | 238.911 (-13.627) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-02-18 | PFL Div B | [RoC] | Realm Of Chaos | 252.538 (-14.344) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-01-28 | PFL Div B | FV | Final Vision | 266.882 (-15.099) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-01-21 | PFL Div B | eXeL | Excelsior | 281.981 (4.237) | Regular | Comment? | |
2002-01-14 | PFL Div B | CwO | ClockWork Orange | 277.744 (3.072) | Regular | Comment? |