SC - Shadow Company |
Last 15 matches:
Date | League | Opponent | Score | Value | Type | Comments | |
2001-04-10 | Top10 Blue | AGT | The Agency | 182.499 (-10.658) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-04-03 | Top10 Blue | |RES| | Resurrection | 193.157 (-11.219) | Regular | 1 Comment(s) | |
2001-03-27 | Top10 Blue | BD | The Brothers Disgruntled | 204.376 (-11.809) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-03-20 | Top10 Blue | DIE | DIE | 216.185 (3.903) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-03-13 | Top10 Red | 404 | Clan 404 | 212.282 (-6.469) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-03-08 | TFL 1a | E | The Elite | 218.751 (-12.566) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-03-05 | STA Titanium | HoS | Harvesters of Sorrow | 231.317 (-13.227) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-03-04 | IGL Premier | DWD | Dancing With Death | 244.544 (12.918) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-03-01 | TFL 1a | CNBL | Clan Cannibal | 231.626 (-6.965) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-02-27 | Top10 Red | WoB | Warlords of Beer | 238.591 (10.311) | Title | Comment? | |
2001-02-26 | STA Titanium | E | The Elite | 228.280 (5.728) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-02-25 | IGL Premier | KoD | Knights Of Death | 222.552 (-12.766) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-02-22 | TFL 1a | R | Respawn | 235.318 (3.740) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-02-20 | Top10 Red | DIE | DIE | 231.578 (4.015) | Regular | Comment? | |
2001-02-18 | IGL Premier | SD | San Dawgs | 227.563 (-6.861) | Regular | Comment? |