Clan list

Row Rank Ladder Pure Tag Name Value Highest First Match
151 55 145 1273 mH Misdirected Hostility 222.688 278.015 2001-08-13
152 302 499 1283 cB Children of the Bong 96.856 125.410 2001-05-05
153 240 465 1284 WU Wu Tang TFC 127.577 136.697 2001-03-19
154 160 295 1289 TeH This Ends Here 123.952 164.318 2002-05-20
155 369 15 1293 -CF- Clan Frag 116.104 116.484 2007-02-12
156 72 444 1293 cDD clan Demo Devil 153.197 254.722 1999-10-11
157 178 206 1298 p Paradox 124.118 158.828 2004-03-01
158 104 54 1303 Gt Global Threat 132.913 195.365 2002-09-16
159 79 420 1309 SvN The Sovereign 224.779 238.531 2001-09-09
160 85 19 1324 ie set by example 204.869 225.318 2006-11-30
161 243 331 1328 |OC| Organized Chaos 118.932 136.264 2002-08-29
162 121 463 1330 6S The Sixth Sense 143.249 183.717 2000-02-15
163 138 542 1334 U-235 Uranium 235 132.058 170.881 2000-01-17
164 342 117 1334 ADSL Annialation Death Squad Legion 58.495 120.174 2001-04-19
165 262 311 1334 DT Dodge This! 105.377 132.654 2001-09-27
166 254 212 1335 b^3 Ballistic Brothers of Bedlam 93.675 134.273 2003-09-08
167 303 121 1336 fXp Clan fXp 91.662 125.329 2002-09-16
168 96 30 1337 FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 77.607 202.484 1999-08-12
169 54 222 1338 sw Shockwave 263.711 280.250 2003-06-26
170 325 217 1343 CD Creeping Death 77.148 122.686 1999-06-06
171 169 50 1346 THOA The Horsemen of Apocalypse 86.289 161.232 2000-02-13
172 251 399 1352 CrUnK CrUnK 87.780 134.540 2001-08-03
173 232 235 1354 tM Tortured Minds 102.984 138.312 2002-01-17
174 284 25 1358 [inferno] The Inferno 78.638 128.596 2005-01-03
175 140 384 1394 HCA Hard Core Alliance 110.108 170.097 2000-10-02
176 136 91 1401 njk Never Jaded Killers 112.775 171.408 2002-11-07
177 484 29 1402 IGC Intergalactic Cowboys 92.005 109.356 2002-03-26
178 828 215 1411 DSF Delta Strike Force 88.716 97.885 2000-06-03
179 350 751 1413 pX-SFD pX-SFD 103.853 118.962 1999-07-20
180 91 106 1413 NM Nightmare 110.590 210.270 2004-05-24
181 126 57 1416 L2D Live To Dominate 117.895 178.799 2002-01-10
182 203 279 1419 aX The aXiom 126.837 149.871 2002-06-06
183 149 382 1429 R Respawn 96.444 167.484 1999-10-18
184 621 115 1439 -nZ Negative Zero 53.270 103.607 2003-05-01
185 141 282 1441 LfA Lust for Armageddon 95.743 169.752 1999-12-12
186 132 608 1446 100k.d.l. 100k.devil.legion 174.287 174.287 1999-08-01
187 349 629 1448 TT Triple Triad 102.384 119.237 2000-06-13
188 517 263 1456 FOTL Freaks on the Loose 65.798 107.719 2001-03-08
189 162 418 1460 s8 Section-8 129.519 163.539 2002-02-11
190 155 205 1467 LoTek Laceration Of Technology 86.190 165.681 2001-10-15
191 250 183 1468 SoN Shadows of the Night 96.296 134.550 2001-11-09
192 298 721 1471 N0 Negative 0 104.273 125.741 1999-09-27
193 1392 75 1471 ViBig ViBig -13.006 94.000 2002-02-11
194 193 409 1482 NoXC New Order of Extreme Chaos 115.273 152.658 2000-05-27
195 576 94 1484 ]P[ Pigs of War 86.062 106.164 2003-01-13
196 148 101 1487 2bH Bound By Honor 143.726 167.521 2003-10-09
197 261 668 1488 HOA Harbinger of Anguish 87.041 132.687 1999-09-28
198 516 260 1494 BoA Brotherhood of Assassins 94.448 107.768 2003-04-20
199 272 509 1496 DN Deez Nuttz 94.302 129.764 2001-09-17
200 111 175 1499 uZ uberzone 89.885 189.900 2002-04-29

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