Match info

Date League Winner Loser Score Type
2001-04-03 Top10 Blue |RES| Resurrection 147.02 
SC Shadow Company 193.16 
110-33 Enclave


Here we go, another night of fragging TFC goodness. Shadow Company and Resurrection squared off in a battle of TTT undefeated clans that lived up to the billing?an orgy! Okay, so I lied, everybody had their pants on (at least in game?) and a good, hard fought match occured. Round One began over on their server with the usual offensive rush against hastily erected defenses. Both O?s fought tooth and nail to move the flag and each found out that getting to the yard wasn?t a problem?getting through it was. RES was able to pull it together and take the round, 60-23. Round Two was hosted by yours truly over on Phoenix. After a spirited few minutes of Push we switched maps, went live and ran for the gold. Both defenses stiffened up this round, making the enemy O pay for every touch they got. RES got a good system of flag touches going and was rewarded with a 50-10 win in round 2. Hats off to Shadow Company and their quality, first-class squad. We had a great time and can?t wait to face off with you in the future. RES wins, 110-33. |RES|sUiCiDaL

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