Most losses

Rank Wins Losses Total Win % Tag  Name 
1 229 284 513 44.6394% FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof
2 248 275 524 47.3282% K}{R Knights of the HARSH Realm
3 267 272 540 49.4444% AGT The Agency
4 61 270 331 18.4290% 30+-1 30+ Team 1
5 213 247 461 46.2039% KoB Krazy old Bastards
6 144 236 380 37.8947% TiTz The Intangible TFC Zealots
7 212 224 436 48.6239% nLv No Longer Valid
8 257 220 478 53.7657% |RES| Resurrection
9 146 214 360 40.5556% ViBig ViBig
10 220 208 429 51.2821% SIN Strages in Nomine
11 232 204 438 52.9680% GoW Gods of War
12 444 198 643 69.0513% TDA Tap Dat Ass
13 136 189 326 41.7178% KEA Kill Em All
14 141 188 330 42.7273% BD The Brothers Disgruntled
15 208 185 393 52.9262% DIVISION TEAM DIVISION
16 143 184 327 43.7309% =WaR= Warriors And Renegades
17 123 181 304 40.4605% |3eer Clan |3eer
18 142 180 322 44.0994% ARES Team ARES
19 161 179 341 47.2141% [RoC] Realm Of Chaos
20 197 173 371 53.0997% Rabid Rabid
21 248 172 420 59.0476% |{ The Kollektiv
22 169 169 338 50.0000% ADSL Annialation Death Squad Legion
23 143 167 310 46.1290% CD Creeping Death
24 158 166 324 48.7654% tmp /tmp/
25 76 166 242 31.4050% ED Elemental Dragon
26 172 161 333 51.6517% HOP House of Pain
27 145 156 301 48.1728% CwO ClockWork Orange
28 148 152 300 49.3333% SMP Sex Money and Power
29 220 150 371 59.2992% PF Pyroclastic Flow
30 125 145 270 46.2963% TNT The Nameless Team
31 150 144 294 51.0204% SoL Soldiers of Light
32 290 143 434 66.8203% 404 Clan 404
33 130 142 272 47.7941% TFCC Team Fortress Community College
34 100 141 242 41.3223% KoR KnighTs oF RaGe
35 124 139 264 46.9697% dong Death or No Glory
36 94 139 233 40.3433% GOM Grumpy Old Men
37 108 135 243 44.4444% 3Q Equilibrium
38 137 132 269 50.9294% ! Omnipotence
39 170 130 300 56.6667% DO Dark Omen
40 93 128 223 41.7040% DoH Decoys of Hostility
41 75 127 202 37.1287% NAR North American Resistance
42 117 126 243 48.1481% njk Never Jaded Killers
43 156 123 279 55.9140% BoA The Original Brotherhood of Assassins
44 93 123 217 42.8571% eXeL Excelsior
45 111 118 229 48.4716% mH Misdirected Hostility
46 126 115 242 52.0661% RE Rogue Element
47 124 113 237 52.3207% -NULL- NULL
48 172 112 284 60.5634% ES Exemplar Sect
49 117 112 229 51.0917% ][ ][nsurrection
50 108 112 221 48.8688% D The Decepticons!

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