Match info

Date League Winner Loser Score Type
2002-07-01 STA Gold FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 160.76 
dR Dark Regiment 124.87 


FOoM over dR

Round1 FOoM @ Sazinc

Well round1 started off basically like i thought on this map spawned from hell.
Both offenses? get off to an early start by touching the flag. After the touches or two time seemed to slow until the first cap came in by FOoM. :dR: started rallying by pulling our flag up to the grenade bag. We held it a few mins and it finally made it outside. The flag runner got stopped on our side of the bridge and our whole D moved out to the yard to hold it as long as possible. The 5 mins we held the flag there gave our offense plenty of time to start racking up caps. :dR: got another cap shortly there after and the round ended 7-2 in favor of the dogcows.


Round2 started off even slower. With the first waves of offense being decimated on both sides. Shortly there after :dR: had our flag on the run again and i swear they were coming out of the walls. Bad guy after bad guy just pounding our d. The only consolation was hearing our offense doing the same thing to the other team. Touch. die Touch. die Touch. die . :dR: was able to adjust to our D well round2 and we had a much harder time getting flags to STAY IN THEIR HOME!!!!! DON?T YOU LIKE YOUR HOME??

Once again they started to walk our flag out front and the flag carrier dies again. Uh oh :o So once again we send all teh D out front and hold the flag for a bit more. In my emp spamming frenzy I tk'd Levicon( our flag runner) and did my duty to pickup his lost and lonely flag and bring it home to the cap. Sorry Levi :) Round2 ended 4-2 in favor of the dogcows.

Great game: dR:
Was very fun playing you gents. Good luck in the future.



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