Match info

Date League Winner Loser Score Type
2005-11-10 TFL 2a 13 Superstition 123.39 
FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 96.95 


13 over FOoM

We played FOoM on a map I've actually come to enjoy. :) (and yes, we played them again...:P)

Round 1: Piled into FOoM's server and scout rushes seemed to come to no avail. Both squads seemed to trade caps for the first 15 minutes then our D began to slow them down while our O picked up the pace. FOoM's medics were everywhere swarming like maggots to a fresh roadkill and lots of gibs went flying...both ours and theirs. Regardless, great round with the final score [13] 9 - FOoM 5.

Round 2: Joined up for some more frags in 13's server (we need a cool name for it so any suggestions drop by #13 and let us hear it). The defenses on both sides were much more stingy this round and caps and kills were had by all. Unfortunately I didn't play this round so I don't much of the detail but it was another good round. Round ended [13] 5 - FOoM 2.

GG Moofers! Again, I think you are one of the only clans left around that I always look forward to playing because you always play hard and clean. Hope to meet you guys again soon...but not real soon. ;)

P.S. Sorry for the OvO second round...some of our O guys (*cough* mafia *cough*) get a bit overzealous and will receiving a severe spanking (bare-bottomed I assure you). *EVILGRIN*


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