Match info

Date League Winner Loser Score Type
2002-09-12 TFL 1a 404 Clan 404 450.88 
FOoM Fraternal Order of Moof 164.64 


404 over FOoM

Tonight was the first time in a long long time that we saw our old friends from FOoM, and I was so glad to see old faces still playing for them.
When you see old faces like WilliePete, Fornaught, Leviho, and T3mujin in the lineup it brings back some memories as they have been around a long time, much like many of the 404ers. Both rounds were played on the 404 server as it seemed that FOoM preferred it, it's sad to see that all the old foom servers at chicago seem to be gone now.

Round 1 30-0
Round 2 10-10

This map 8v8 is a capfest and just a joy, but 9v9 is just a defensive stalemate most of the time (post bhop). Tonight wasn't much different in that regard as things started slow on both ends and there wasn't much movement for long periods of time. Slowly things started rolling for 404 in round 1 and we managed to squeak a few out while holding foom to just touches and no caps. The second round was much of the same except Nadagast got to play O for like the first time ever, and drag home a cap. FOoM on the other hand had Lev steal a flag near the end of the map. GJ flag D with the infections, teaches you right O for not healing us!



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